Using The Site
Welcome to the web-site of the Meridian
Programme. Our navigation pages are based on Flash and thus are being temporarily replaced to enable access to
the site. |
"Pop-Ups" and Firewalls
Please note that some of the advanced features of the Meridian web-site
(e.g. links to footnotes, abstracts, illustrations etc) may activate the "pop-up"
blocker on your firewall. Meridian has
no advertisements of any kind and we strongly recommend that you turn off the
"pop-up" blocker on your browser to take full advantage of the site. |
the Compass |
Explore the world of Meridian using the specially designed
navigational compass.
Click on any compass point to open the named area. A new sub-compass will then be available to
guide you through the sections of the chosen subject.
Click on the centre of a sub compass to return to the
previous layer.
Please note that the site is under continuous
construction. Access via certain
compass points may be barred while work is in progress. We apologise in advance for any
inconvenience caused. |  |
The two Worlds of Meridian
Meridian has two parallel worlds, namely: Information and Action
The World of Information is accessed by using the
compass points on the home page.
The World of Action is entered by passing through
the centre of the compass on the home page.
As in the World of Information, different areas of the World
of Action are accessed by clicking on the chosen points of the Action
compass. When you are in the World of
Action, the World of Information can be entered through the centre of the
compass on the Action home page. A set of hyperlinks connects related points in the two worlds. |
The Meridian Task Bar |
Meridian Task Bar |
Home Page |
Using the Site |
Search |
About Meridian |
Resources |
Metanet |
Action |
For your convenience a special Task Bar is loaded at the top
of all non-compass pages. It gives you
instant access to the home page and all its linked sections (namely "Using the Site", "About
Meridian", "Resources", "Meridian Meta-net",
and the entrance to the "World of Action"). It also puts the powerful search facility at your finger-tips. |
Sections in "Frame-Set" Format
All Papers and Presentations and many other sections of the site are
designed in "frame-set" format giving possibilities for embedded visual
illustrations and parallel textual commentaries, as well as keeping open future
options to include multi-media elements. Always use the "Next Page", "Previous Page" controls in the left
navigation frame (where provided) in preference to the forward and back buttons
of the web-browser. Browser buttons
disassemble frame-sets. You have been
warned! |
The Search Engine
Meridian has its own powerful search engine. It is dedicated to the Meridian site and
gives you an easy-to-use way of locating any word, phrase or subject wherever
it occurs in the world of Meridian. On
"Compass" pages the search facility is entered via the special portal,
elsewhere you can use the "Search" button on the "Meridian Task Bar".
If you have opened a text frame by following a link from the
Meridian Search Engine (or indeed from any other search facility on the Web)
you will find the "View Complete Page" button at the end of the
frame. This gives total access to the
rest of the site by opening the "Meridian Task Bar", the navigation facility at
the left of the page and any illustrations associated with the chosen text
frame. |
Using the Library of Papers and Presentations
The archive contains all the articles, papers and
presentations produced under the aegis of the Meridian programme and its
hosting organisation, the Unit for Research into Changing Institutions. They are grouped under seven themed
sections, accessed by points on the resource compass. Titles in each section are grouped in alphabetical order. Each title has a hyperlink to the associated
abstract as well as to the complete work. There is also a link to the document's PDF for
downloading and printing if required.
At the southern point of the resource compass there is an Alphabetical
Index of all titles with hyperlinks to abstracts, PDFs and complete works. Each title also has a hyperlink to the
appropriate themed section, allowing you to browse related subject material.
The Search Engine enables you to find and follow up
all references to any word or phrase of interest.
A Date Order Index of the same set of resources, with
full titles and reference to the section in which each is held, can be found
appended to the Director's Bio-Note accessed either via the "About Meridian"
compass or by hyperlink from the author's name on any paper.
Some of the "On-Line Presentations" are high density
files and best viewed with a broad-band connection. If you have any difficulty with speed of access do order a CD Rom
version of the required Presentation.
All Meridian Resources are copyright free and available for
you to download and/or print. Please
acknowledge source of the material in any further use. If you have difficulty generating a printout, then do order a hard-copy.
Instructions for ordering printed papers or CD Rom
versions of Presentations are accessed via the introductory page of each subject
section and also at the top of the Alphabetical Index.
We hope you enjoy your exploration of the two Worlds of
Meridian. Information only
becomes relevant when it results in Action. Action becomes effective only when based on appropriate Information. You are welcome to send any comments or
feedback on the contents or use of the Meridian site to |