The Pre and Perinatal Grounds of Capitalism and the Free Market Economy


After summarising current consultancy-research into the origin and functioning of the common unconscious and its corporate outworking in the dynamics of social systems, this highly condensed presentation argues the hypothesis that 'The norms, value-systems and processes of capitalism and the power-struggle of the free-market economy can be seen as the social construct of anxiety defences reified into a resource-related ideology.'  The dynamics are modelled and explored in the context and processes of emergent globalisation with its bifurcatory links between the enrichment of the powerful few and the impoverishment of the less powerful many. Environmental impingement is the inevitable outcome. Our civilisation is unconsciously trapped in foetal trance within a phantasy uterine environment. The compulsive and repetitive acting out of the foetal/perinatal psychodrama in our socio-political, economic and environmental relations is now species-threatening. Integration of the underlying traumata and deconstruction of the associated defences are imperative if sustainable and equitable solutions are to be achieved.