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Meridian Programme

Ordering Information

Meridian Resources are 'copyright' free - we would request that in any use the source is acknowledged. All papers can be viewed on screen and are also available as downloads without charge.

On-line presentations, particularly, may require high-speed internet access and therefore articles and presentations are also available in print, or on CD.

Word documents can be supplied on CD-R [up to 700MB] for £5.00 including postage. Otherwise, the prices quoted are for the print version [at cost] and do not include postage, since postage costs depend on weight and destination of parcel.

'On-line presentations' in HTML format on CD-R cost £5.00 per presentation, including postage.

It is also possible to order an inclusive CD-R of an 'on-line presentation' in HTML, Word and Powerpoint formats for £10 including postage.

If you would like to order papers, CDs etc. from us, please download, complete and post this order form. At present we do not have facilities to receive orders on-line. Please give us an e-mail address, if possible, on the form so that we can let you know the cost of any printed papers you may have ordered. You can then make the payment in the form of a donation via the web-site.

Please post the order form to:
Meridian Programme,
Meridian House,
115 Poplar High Street,
London E14 0AE,
